Monday, 26 July 2010

Home to Lexington

Lexington - world famous for 4 things: horses, tobacco, bourbon and the Maddocks!

At last. After a 10 year wait, the Maddock house. A beautiful home, with enviable room, colours we all agree on and a garden full of fresh veg and fruit, labours of back breaking loving care. Set on the corner of a large junction (everything in America is large), it is a good place for passers by to wave in at the kitchen, and locals to collect left bags of veg’ building connections, networks and friendships. After the madness of the last few weeks it feels like we`ve come home. We're grateful to Thad and Felice moving out, enabling us to spread ourselves between two rooms.

It's hot. AC on all the time. No chance to wander the streets much on foot alas, rather dash from car to cooled buildings or hot bike rides. Generous friends lend the extra car seats needed, and we get a taste of Middle America: bookshops, restaurants, farmers markets, swimming, villages and a great funky arts café called East 3rd Street.

I finally get to a yoga class, with Sherry and Jess at the YMCA. Struggled through in a mirrored room, very conscious that what I thought my body was doing, and what it looked like were two very different things! E the instructor was in her 50s and in impossibly great shape. Not only could she do all the moves, get her breathing right, but she also talked all the way through it! Respect.

A highlight for Jess was the triumph of persuading Rachel, Sherry and Rebecca to see Twilight - Eclipse. We cycled to the beautiful old movie theatre in the city, to find we've muddled times - and no Edward. With a quick Google we discover another showing in 20 mins.. but a cycle and drive away. Needless to say, a power cycle and nifty drive later we get there in time - only $4/ ticket! The only disappointment for Jess was Sherry's recruitment to Team Jacob…

1 comment:

  1. You saw Eclipse! Was it good enough to go see it again with me when you get back?? ;-)
